Confidence to Do Amazing Things

Jimmy Wong

AI Jimmy

Confidence to Do Amazing Things

Sometimes we just need to take a break from dealing with missing data, fixing AI hallucinations, counting number of fingers in AI-generated pictures, and other challenges in our work and life.

For myself and many other data scientists, engineers, and technical people that I’ve met, many challenges also come from people challenges that drain us and sap our confidence from attempting greater things.

Here's some encouragement for you to build confidence to do more amazing things.

1. Remember your strengths and superpowers

You have unique strengths and talents!

Your abilities might not be obvious to others. People can only see what’s visible to them, such as your LinkedIn profile or resume. Your employer may only see you in your current narrow role as the basis of judgment. The resulting curse of comparison robs everyone of contentment and joy in celebrating their present worth.

You have a lot more experiences and abilities than others realize. Do you know your own superpowers?

Consider taking the CliftonStrengths assessment test from Gallup. It's an affordable test that you can take online. I found that it does a remarkable job in identifying my unique combination of strengths, and celebrating those strengths.

I’ve taken many other types of assessment tests like Meyers-Briggs, and they often made me feel deficient and different from other people. However, the CliftonStrengths test stays positive and was more actionable for me.

Curious on my CliftonStrengths strength areas? Here they are:

  • Harmony
  • Responsibility
  • Individualization
  • Achiever
  • Learner

What are your strengths? Share them with me and I’ll celebrate them with you without comparisons. Perhaps we can develop a strategy together for you to make the most of your strengths and superpowers.

2. Practice gratitude

Shawn Achor, author of the Happiness Advantage, compiled research that “happiness fuels success, not the other way around.” He cites examples from both school and work. I consider gratitude to be essential for happiness.

Many studies have shown that an attitude of gratitude provides people with the core contentment to persevere against all sorts of adversities in life. (e.g. CDC)

What are you grateful for today? Don’t dwell too much on the worries about the future to come, nor on what happened in the past. Focus on the present moment, here and now. For example:

  • Learned something new?
  • Enjoyed your morning coffee?
  • Got a pleasant email from someone?

Our internal brain is wired to look out for danger. Author Seth Godin calls this the “lizard brain” inside each of us. We need conscious effort to break out of the habits that our lizard brain pulls us in to.

Ideas to exercise gratitude? Keep a gratitude journal. Reach out to appreciate somebody, or even to reconnect with a friend or previous acquaintance. Perhaps consider even meditating or praying if so inclined.

I consider this attitude of gratitude to be a valuable part of an overarching growth mindset for more success and joy in life.

3. Surround yourself with positive people

There have been times that I’ve felt particularly bad about myself. Perhaps my boss or another individual was having a bad day, and said a few words to me that shattered me internally. It’s hard to avoid getting sucked into that whirlpool of negativity, whatever the cause.

In those days, we can escape the negativity by remembering the positive people in our lives:

  • Previous praises: If people have written genuine recommendations and testimonials for you, take a moment to re-read their words.
  • Groups: Stay connected and volunteer in a community, whether a faith-based group, cultural group, or other community. Just make sure the community is positive too, as not all communities are.
  • Supporters: Meet up with someone who can empathize and encourage you. Could be a mentor. Just make sure the other person is confident enough in his or her own life to encourage you rather than amplify your anxieties.

Ultimately, surround yourself with positive people whenever you can. Both negativity and positivity are contagious. When you have a choice, surround yourself with positive people, even if just with one person.

Even better, become an encouragement to others. If you have a solid source of encouragement fueling your life, use it to energize yourself to become an encouragement for others to do amazing things too.

Concluding Thoughts

We all could use a bit more confidence in life to do greater things. The challenges we face at work and in life will be ongoing. Whenever you can:

  1. Remember your strengths and superpowers
  2. Practice gratitude
  3. Surround yourself with positive people

Better yet, be a positive influence to others too. Good vibes make a positive community for everyone. I believe you can do this!

For Data Professionals

For my network of data professionals, consider these opportunities to surround yourself with positive people to help you be more confident and effective in your career.

Data Leaders Networking Social on Sept. 14th

Here's an opportunity to meet or reunite with data leaders in our community in a fun family-friendly setting.

Hojeong Kim and I are hosting a networking event on Sept. 14th in Redwood City, CA for data leaders to meet at a picnic in the park.

See the event info. If you'd like to come, please register for this free event.

Data Leaders Community of Practice

Gain more confidence in your current and future roles as a data leader!

For people managers of data science, analytics, data engineering, and AI/ML teams, we are starting new cohorts of our Data Leaders Community of Practice next month. The cohorts learn best practices from each other across industry monthly in a confidential setting for what really works for practitioners who lead data teams.

Reach out to me to learn more and to apply for the next 6-month cohorts, which now include a remote option for people outside of the SF Bay Area.

Other Coaching and Consulting

For you and your teams, I also provide:

  • Private coaching: I provide professional development for data leaders.
  • Consulting: I provide data strategy consulting for organizations. For example, I'm currently developing the data strategy for a startup client as they prepare to launch monetization products.
  • Training: I provide training for teams for more effective use of data and AI.

Reach out to me for ways I can help you and your teams!

Jimmy Wong

Coach, speaker, and entrepreneur enabling people to thrive in the age of AI. Data science leader with 12 years experience at the LinkedIn company and 27 years in the industry. Visit

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Hi there! I'm Jimmy Wong and I'm here to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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