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Understanding What AI Can and Can't Do

Jimmy Wong AI Jimmy Understanding What AI Can and Can't Do "A dog with 13 heads" generated by DALL-E AI (I counted 15 heads) Generative AI like the ChatGPT chatbot and DALL-E image generator don’t create brand new content, but merely repackages and blends existing content that they have been trained on. Having led data science teams at LinkedIn for 12 years and built countless data science predictive analytics models, I’ve seen the successes and limitations of AI. I want to help you...

Jimmy Wong AI Jimmy Boost Your Career When You Mentor Others Hi Reader, This week, a former coworker asked me “How can I prepare to grow my career?” As a data analyst, he knew he should build his personal brand and visibility, but he wasn’t comfortable with public speaking. He’s a lot more comfortable with talking to individuals one-on-one than being in front of a large group I suggested for him to consider mentoring through his college alumni association. Jimmy with two mentees at the UCLA...

Jimmy Wong AI Jimmy 10,000 Years of Human Advancements and Adaptation Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there! I respect and admire my father and previous generations who have worked hard for their families. The baby boomer generation, in particular, is noted for its work ethic. My father had worked for one employer for 30 years until his employer retired. However, times change and people adapt to new environments. For today, I’m sharing my observations about work and career trends...

Jimmy Wong AI Jimmy What “Dream Big” Meant for Data Science Innovation at LinkedIn Photo of data scientists at a “Dream Big” event from the author, used with permissions “I feel stuck maintaining dashboards and analyzing A/B tests” is a sentiment that I heard from many data scientists at LinkedIn and elsewhere. Those activities are essential for running the business. However, the data scientists also dream big of innovating with ML and AI for making a bigger business impact that also helps...

Jimmy Wong AI Jimmy 5 Business Lessons to Learn From a Himalayan Mulberry Fruit Farm On Saturday, my family and I picked and filled 14 boxes of yummy fruit from trees at the biggest u-pick mulberry fruit farm in the United States. Thousands of city folks also drove out to the various remote u-pick farms for the paid experience of picking fresh fruit off of the trees. As I was standing in the hot sun in the orchard over one hour away from home reaching for the delicate low-hanging fruit, I...

Jimmy Wong AI Jimmy Steps to Thrive in a Flat Organization "Business organizations are flattening." I shared this observation last Monday at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. The UCLA faculty and staff of the MS Business Analytics program had invited me and a few other industry leaders to the UCLA MSBA Industry Summit. The university wanted to hear about industry trends so that the Business Analytics program can better prepare students to enter and thrive in analytics roles in industry....

Jimmy Wong AI Jimmy What If We Have 2 Years Remaining? Last Thursday, I learned that one of my relatives was diagnosed with cancer. Doctors say he has 2 years left to live. That news was heavy on my mind last week as I drove my parent to routine medical appointments. I thought about the value of time. If I knew I had only two years left to live, how would I live my life differently? Certain things in life would just be totally unimportant. Much of the small stuff that we worry about each day...

Jimmy Wong AI Jimmy Happy Mother's Day! I wish you a Happy Mother's Day as we celebrate and honor all the amazing moms in our lives! Happy Mother's Day! Image by freepik Today is a day we celebrate the incredible mothers in our lives and the unconditional love they give every day. Whether you're a mom yourself or you're honoring a special mother figure, I want to take a moment to express my appreciation for the countless ways you nurture, support, and inspire. Motherhood is a journey filled...

Jimmy Wong AI Jimmy Has AI Improved Economic Productivity Yet? This week, I studied US government statistics about worker productivity to look for clues on how people can benefit from AI. Here’s what I learned. US Labor Productivity Growth trend chart from 1994–2023 In 2023, after a full year of ChatGPT, AI art, and other AI advancements, the US economic productivity growth rate was only 1.4%. This productivity growth was still well below the historical 2.1% average since WW2 (the 1947–2018...

Jimmy Wong AI Jimmy From Brain Surgery to Published Book Author Today, I discovered Hiroko Nishimura’s amazing story of overcoming adversity, while I was researching LinkedIn Learning instructors. When she was 22-years-old in college studying Special Education, her roommate found her collapsed on the bathroom floor having a seizure. At the hospital, she was diagnosed as having a brain tumor. Doctors operated on her brain with a craniotomy, then stapled her skull back together. Her doctors and...